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Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 20:02:38 -0700
From: Eugene Kleca <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Collarless DRGs
Sender: Eugene Kleca <[log in to unmask]>

Mapping Professional:

Could your application utilize collarless USGS DRGs for basemaps.

www.ChartTiff.com offers Complete Coverage of the United States, including
Alaska and Hawaii!!
   - Standard UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection - NAD27 -
     UTM - NAD83 / Lat-Long / State Plane / Your Specific projections are
also available.
   - Standard Geo Tiff format enhanced with ChartTiff Extensions
     Includes the World (.tfw) file and the MapInfo (.tab) file.
   - No Collars, No Setting a Transparency Layer
   -  Sold by Degree, State or County.  As little as $50.00/Degree.
   - Includes the Full set of Original collared USGS DRG's.
  - Fully compatible with Fugawi navigational systems, see www.Fugawi.com
Please visit our web-site www.ChartTiff.com for additional information.
ChartTiff Data Sales
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