I may be preaching to the choir on this but....
As someone with a background in Geomatics, I cringe at photocopy and scale being used in the same sentence.  Generally, photocopiers do not produce the same scale in X and Y.  The same statement can be said of the desktop scanners and the proliferation of images they produce.  Due to mechanical and optical imperfections, most of these reproductions will have varying degrees of distortion throughout the image or copy.  Only if the imperfections are modeled and the model subsequently used to transform the reproduction, can one even attempt to use the data.  Obviously, detailed meta-data about original source, date, reproduction acquisition method (i.e. photocopy, scan method, etc...), and potential scale in X and Y go a long way towards allowing someone to interpret the data's intended use.
Just some thoughts.
Joe Aufmuth
GIS Coordinator
University of Florida
George A. Smathers Libraries
P.O. Box 117001
Gainesville, Florida  32611-7001

(352) 392-0366
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