--- Begin Forwarded Message ---
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 16:52:11 -0000
From: "Campbell, Tony" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Madrid conference payments
Sender: "Campbell, Tony" <[log in to unmask]>

If you are planning to attend the XIXth International Conference on the
History of Cartography (Madrid, 1-6 July 2001) you might be interested in
the following.

We have received confirmation from the company handling all the fees - for
registration, accommodation and travel - that payment can be made only in
Pesetas or Euros.  I pointed out that those from North America would wish to
pay in US dollars but I fear it has not proved possible to accept payment in
that way.

If you have further queries on this point please contact your own bank.  If
you have to get in touch with Madrid please do not contact the Academic
Secretariat but rather Viajes el Corte Inglés <[log in to unmask]>.

This is also an appropriate time to remind you that the lower conference
registration fee applies up to FEBRUARY 15.

Tony Campbell
Chairman Imago Mundi (international co-ordinator for the conference)

(for further information on the conference, see
<http://ihr.sas.ac.uk/maps/19th.html> and click on the link for 'Call for
Papers...Conference Information and Booking Form', which takes you through
to the Biblioteca Nacional site)
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