
What follows is a list of the OCLC record numbers of the Geologic Folios
(1894-1945) by USGS.  Except when noted, I have upgrade all the records
to current standards.  I did my best to be consistent.

The first part of list is of the "Library editions" (the large folios).
After this is a few variations of those editions.  The last part is of
the "Field editions" (the pocket folios).  To the best of my knowledge,
there were very few Field editions published.

I hope this list and the upgraded records will help you.

--Christopher JJ Thiry
Map Librarian (and cataloging fool)
Colorado School of Mines
[log in to unmask]


Records updated and compiled by Christopher J.J. Thiry, Map Librarian,
Colorado School of Mines, [log in to unmask]

#    OCLC #

1  299894
2  299903
3  299929
4  299943  (1894)
5  299957
6  299966
7  299991
8  300021
9  300074
10  300082
11  300100
12  300105
13  300114
14  300119
15  16764709
16  300221
17  300222
18  300264
19  300279
20  300287
21  300291
22  300299
23  300307
24  300312
25  300322
26  300330
27  300337
28  300609
29  300624
30  3153672
31  8363777
32  300632
33  5632657
34  8363930
35  300638
36  1985164
37  300646
38  16747728
39  300662
40  5632693
41  300682
42  5651502
43  39228638
44  9514989
45  16764711
46  300698
47  8371240
48  1985150
49  5651619
50  5632850
51  39228564
52  300713
53  8371425
54  8371464
55  300723
56  300735
57  300749
58  1985111
59  15189984
60  300767
61  300778
62  8371545
63  300791
64  8371587
65  300828
66  300842
67  15727270
68  1985033
69  8375237
70  300857 (not corrected)
71  1989743
72  8375314
73  5651637
74  8375370
75  5651495
76  8375512
77  8375527
78  42640073
79  8375570
80  8375596
81  8378338
82  8378377
83  300867
84  5651646
85  8378534
86  8378566
87  8378584
88  8378591
89  45220190
90  300928
91  2528825
92  5651629
93  3624438
94  9177652
95  5632607
96  9177687
97  9177749
98  9177804
99  16764731
100  16764735
101  5651656
102  16747738
103  5632626
104  5632637
105  5651660
106  300942
107  5632839
108  5651539
109  9177840
110  9177624
111  300948
112  15795717
113  9177979
114  19459488
115  16764755
116  5632700
117  5651490
118  2503676
119  2588871
120  300956
121  9177894
122  9177860
123  9177780
124  5755121
125  9177679
126  301043
127  9177383
128  45753275
129  5632721
130  1984977
131  1989793
132  45753757
133  2434082
134  9169863
135  1989838
136  2528942
137  16764770
138  301045
139  2605297
140  2506701
141  5632807
142  2675084
143  301048
144  16764774
145  5651531
146  16764784
147  301053
148  5652218
149  2495988
150  2607965
151  2495969
152  2538037
153  301065
154  2563955
155  15865080  (1908)
156  2511663
157  2528976
158  2501210
159  2631137
160  5632710
161  2660184
162  2503763
163  2537486
164  7417300
165  9170312
166  2514134
167  40100654
168  7417311
169  40100606
170  2498855
171  16764818
172  9514997
173  7417335
174  5632868
175  9515003
176  4469456
177  9177507
178  5652205
179  5652183
180  5632822
181  7417348
182  301077
183  301083
184  5632832
185  9177909
186  7417356
187  301093
188  5652189
189  9177983
190  4836128 (not changed)
191  9180811
192  8018401
193  16764857
194  45811036
195  9180916
196  301101
197  5651523
198  1984926
199  301104
200  5652198
201  7401467
202  9180598
203  1996169
204  5632732
205  16764878
206  5651545
207  5632846
208  5755130
209  42198555
210  7401528
211  16764886
212  42198278
213  5652192
214  301119
215  301126
216  7992672
217  301136
218  301153
219  219301162
220  301174
221  301197
222  301327
223  301344
224  301352
225  301370
226  301391
227  299875

4 (1892)  42278000
64 microfiche  13274987
155 (1915)  35064370
163 microfiche 24993825


164  5577926
165  16533439
166  15726042
167  33806559
168  5983755
169  44433851
170  16533548
171  45831775
172  5983942
173  45834182
174  16533538
175  7914642
176  12918563
177  16533527
178  16533515
179  16533502
180  16533473
181  10286929
183  16533457
184  10748823
185  11465194
186  5983563
187  45837896
188  16533559
190  36764893
191  9756058
193  5282040
197  45847707
201  304009331
205  23247694