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Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 18:03:44 +0100
From: Jonathan Raper <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: GI Scholarships available

City University, London announce GI Scholarships for part-time distance
study 2001-2

The City University Masters in Geographic Information (MGI) team
announce TWO full-fee scholarships for first year part-time distance
study. The MGI course is a globally-delivered face to face and
distance-learning course focussed on GI as a business, professional and
scientific resource for GIS. It is aimed at those who want to build
their knowledge of GI in a business environment and has an emphasis on
next generation GI issues such as interoperability, intellectual
property law, implementation strategies, information visualisation and
location-based services for mobile commerce.

The course has been designed in consultation with key figures in the
various sectors of the GI industry and is now entering its second year
of operation. It offers access to a wide range of online learning
resources through a dedicated Web-based virtual learning environment
(VLE). You can access our VLE now to view some of the materials and to
communicate with the staff or students by checking the application
procedure at

</color></underline>We are accepting applications for 2001-2 until 14th
September 2001 from those with undergraduate degrees or from those with
relevant experience in employment. Two scholarships are available for
the first year fees of part-time students. These will be allocated to
the most deserving applicants on a competitive basis. You can also
visit us or meet us during the face-to-face and virtual Open Day on
Friday 7th September 2001.

Prof. Jonathan Raper (Course Director)


MGI resources and services to support part-time students undertaking a
degree program whilst working:

* VLE (individual student accounts using the WebCT system for feedback,
assessment and communication with staff/other students);

* Content (online lectures, practicals, tutorials, case studies,
software, data and other support materials providing advice and

* Documentation (minutes of staff and student meetings and responses to
feedback in order to ensure transparency);

* Support Services (University support services online such as
counselling, student advice centre, careers development centre);

* Competitive fees, high staff-student ratio and our dedicated Course
Resources Manager

Endorsements of the MGI from an independent assessment agency and
current students

The Subject Review report by the Higher Education Quality Assurance
Agency http://www.qaa.ac.uk/:

* "The reviewers were extremely impressed by the thoroughness with
which every aspect of the design of the new MGI had been considered,
and its innovative use of the opportunities presented by imaginative
use of IT" (QAAHE, 2001, p.5)

* "Well planned and innovative use of IT and the Internet enrich the
experience of students, particularly those studying by distance
learning." (QAAHE, 2001, p.10).

* "The interest and expertise generated in e-learning and techniques
for supporting remote students is to be applauded" (QAAHE, 2001, p.6).

Comments by current students made during discussions about the MGI in
the VLE:

* "a very enjoyable experience, and I would recommend it to anyone"

* "It has helped enormously that the course content is relevant to the
work I do"

-- -----------------------------------------------

Jonathan Raper <<[log in to unmask]>

Professor of Geographic Information Science

Department of Information Science, City University

Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB, UK


+44 20 7040 8415 tel    +44 20 7040 8584 fax
