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Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 11:23:40 +0200
From: Peter Nugter <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: maps of India

Referring to the message of Mr. Sonam who is looking for Russian maps of India.

Dear MAPS-L subscribers,

There is no particular reason to buy Russian maps of India as there is a
complete coverage available from the Survey of India both at the scales 1 :
50,000 and 1 : 250,000.
By buying these maps one has also solved the problem with the Cyrillic letters.

It may be worth knowing that the magic of all these Russian stuff is fading
away already for a long time as there are no updates and there will be none
in a lot of future years.

Greetings from Peter Nugter.