Happy New Year Mapsters!

I am trying to make a decision about the fate of our collection of
Airport Obstruction Charts (OC Seris).

Obviously this material is date sensitive and it seems that it was
discontinued 5 or 6 years ago.  Has this information been replaced by
some other form of publication?

It looks like the closest thing that may have replaced the Obstruction
Charts is the US Terminal Procedures Publications. If so, then I can
discard the OC's.

If anyone has any information on this I would be most grateful.

Chris Mixon
Library Assistant III
Cataloging/Government Documents Unit
Auburn University Libraries
231 Mell St.
Auburn University, AL 36849-5606
Phone: 334-844-1759
Fax:  334-844-1703
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
