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Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 20:56:57 GMT
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re:Re: geographical center of the continents
Sender: [log in to unmask]

Hmm....I seem to be off by quite a bit for South
America (the only one I tried). I misplaced my coordinates but I came up with about 60 W 15 S.
I remarked to Alice that methods may differ but I
didn't think that there would be huge differences
in the results.

My data source is World Data Bank wdb1.e00

I figure an equal area projection is the appropriate one to use (such as Albers one-sixth rule??)

Doesn't Arc/Info's CENTROIDLABELS function move
the labels to the polygon centroids?

Then project back to geographic??

Africa  13.02604        1.35861
Antarctica      0.00000 -75.25097
Asia    103.03361       39.50041
Australia       133.26637       -26.37917
Europe  22.24402        58.33041
North America   -111.87554      39.60111
Oceania 170.39122       -43.58819
South America   -62.19862       -21.29875

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