Apologies for duplication.
This WESS message has been modified for this list.  For more details on
this program, see http://www.lib.virginia.edu/wess/program2002.html
For information on <all> MAGERT programs planned for Atlanta, see

"Mapping the Future of Historical Scholarship about Europe"
You are invited to attend this innovative conference program, presented by
the Western European Studies Section of the Association of College and
Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association
(ALA).  It is co-sponsored by ALA's Map and Geography Round Table.  It will
be held during the upcoming ALA conference in Atlanta, on Monday, June 17,
2002, 10:30 AM-12 noon, in the Georgia World Congress Center, Room B305.

This program is designed for those interested in:
         Leading-edge developments in historical and related
interdisciplinary studies
         Application of geographic information systems (GIS) to historical
         Development and uses of digital mapping and geographical databases
         New opportunities to analyze historical data, particularly census
         Making complex electronic resources accessible to a wide range of

The program will focus on exploring and supporting new directions in
historical research on Europe based on geographic information, including
some outstanding interdisciplinary digital projects in mapping and related
data creation, conversion, and analysis.  The panel's featured speakers
will be U.S. map librarian and GIS specialist Karl Longstreth and British
historical geographer and fellow GIS expert Humphrey Southall, with Richard
Hacken moderating.  The presentations will incorporate online
demonstrations of selected projects and software.  Ample time for
discussion is planned.

Mary McInroy, MAGERT Membership Committee Chair

Mary McInroy
Government Publications Department
and Map Collection
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, IA  52242-1420
(319)335-6247 or (319)335-5926
FAX:  (319)335-5900
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]