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Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 15:15:23 -0500
From: "Cook, Karen S" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Another Final Offer: Spanish Topos 1:25,000 Duplicate Offer
Sender: "Cook, Karen S" <[log in to unmask]>


The T.R. Smith Map Collection at the University of Kansas has one incomplete
set of duplicate maps to offer (set is made up of unique sheets) from the
Spanish 1:25,000 topographic series: Cartografia Militar de Espana. Servicio
Geografico del Ejercito. Sheets are dated mostly 1950s, but some back to

We do not have a list of the sheets on offer and cannot make selections. You
will have to take the entire set. The stack of maps is 3 1/4" high.

They are offered free to other libraries, but we request that you reimburse
the postage payable to the University of Kansas Libraries.

Please reply before 22 October to Alex Slater: [log in to unmask]

Alex Slater
Operations Manager
TR Smith Map Collection

(785) 864-4420

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