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Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 16:00:40 -0500
From: Susan Greaves <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Mysterious Michelin map
Sender: Susan Greaves <[log in to unmask]>


I wonder if anyone has come across a map similar to this one (and can tell
me more about it):

One side of the map is the northern sheet of Michelin's Les Grandes Routes,
the road map of France at 1:1,000,000.  It was printed by Schneider F'res &
Mary.  There is no date on this sheet  but it appears 1930s - 1940s. The
Michelin Man is not smoking his cigar  - when did he stop?

The other side is a fragment of a German map of Great Britain at 1:63,360.
Our fragment covers Bath and Bristol. The map itself is in English and
appears to be a section of a pre-7th Series Ordnance Survey map - except
the legend is in German. Publication information has been trimmed off to
fit the Michelin map on verso.

Any ideas? I am guessing that paper shortages occurred post WWII and that
Michelin printed the new maps on the  foreign topographic maps in order to
meet  the demand for up-to-date information.  But I have not yet located
mention of a German map of England at that scale in the various catalogs
I've checked - does anyone have information about this map?

That's today's mystery!  Thank you if you can provide further information
or direction for research.

--  Susan


Susan Greaves
Map Librarian
Instruction, Research & Information Services
017 Olin Library, Cornell University
Ithaca,  New York    14853-5301
voice 607-255-9566 / fax 607-255-9346
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