-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: DRG Newbie: Need help]
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 22:06:05 -0600
From: Dennis McClendon <[log in to unmask]>

>Does the USGS or a commercial venture sell DRGs in a
>package or are you relegated to purchasing individually?

GIS Data Depot sells state bundles of DRGs.  I also find GIS Data
Depot the most convenient way to purchase individual DRGs from all
over the country.

Many states have GIS data centers from which DRGs can be downloaded
for no charge.  These vary somewhat in offering them with or without
collars, and rotated to UTM coordinates or not.

Various entrepreneurs also sell CDs of DRGs on eBay.  These are
usually the 250K and 100K sheets, but some CDs of 7.5-minute sheets
are offered, usually for areas of interest to outdoorsmen:

Dennis McClendon, Chicago CartoGraphics
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