-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Requesting A Favor
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 15:21:00 -0600
From: harryo <[log in to unmask]>


I recently walked in on a bank robbery here in my humble little village
60946  FIPS Code  1739441.

These robbers have a pattern and I have been working on a database of
possible next banks that fit their pattern.

The data base has FIPS Codes and Lat Long but no zipcodes.

What my favor is.... A map of illinois that has the places in the database
marked out on a map. With towns and ALL roads and Highways.

I really want to help catch these guys. Since 9/11 the priority of Bank
Robberies to the FBI has dropped considerably leaving the investigation
to local officials.
Mostly overworked and understaffed, being that I was personally involved
I really would like to help in the investigation.

Thanks in Advance

Harry G. Osoff
Kempton, IL  60946
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