-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FW: [Psygeoconflux] Psy.Geo.Conflux Call for Proposals
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 12:55:35 -0700
From: Frank Stieber <[log in to unmask]>


Psy.Geo.Conflux is an annual event featuring current artistic and social
investigations in psychogeography. Part festival and part conference, it
brings visual and sound artists, writers, urban adventurers, and the public
together in New York to engage in walks, presentations, installations and
other events with the purpose of exploring the physical and psychological
landscape of the city.

Glowlab is currently reviewing proposals for the second annual Conflux,
which will take place in New York from May 13 to 16. We're interested in
public-space projects [drifts/derives, mapping experiments, fieldwork,
tours, temporary installations, performances, interventions, mobile tech/GPS
projects, audio/video works] as well as artist presentations, workshops and
lectures that address issues of psychogeography.

Before submitting a proposal, please take a look at the type of projects
presented during the 2003 Conflux:

You may also want to read the following articles for further information:

The submission deadline is MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 . Please note that due to
limited funding we must select only those projects that do not require a
budget for equipment, artist fees, travel, etc. Send your proposal to
[log in to unmask], with all information in the body of the email --
attachments won't be opened.

Subject: Psy.Geo.Conflux 2004 Proposal


Project title:

Project description:

Please specify any additional information, such as:
- whether your project needs to happen at a certain date/time during the
four-day period of the Conflux.
- whether you need an indoor space for people to gather, or whether your
project will take place entirely outside
- how long you expect your event to last
- approximate start and end locations for your event [if applicable]
- whether your event will be limited to a certain number of participants

Your bio or resume:

URL's for previous projects, reviews, articles:


We will contact you by March 1 if your project has been accepted.

Psygeoconflux mailing list
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