-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Mapnerds
Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 21:56:25 -0700
From: Dr. Virginia R. Hetrick <[log in to unmask]>
Organization: You Are Not Alone

Alice is absolutely correct about the B&N book displays.  I found those and
several others, including the geologic map of England (?? and Wales??)
with the
map as the book cover, at both the B&N stores I regularly frequent (Long
Town Center and Woodland Hills).

I also found a Field Guide to Cows, but that's another story.  ;-)

BTW -  I think map nerds is a good expression for a lot of geographers,
not just
map folks!  Lots of us trained as geographers got our start because our
subscribed to National Geographic when we were kids and we got interested in
maps.  When my Mom died, I inherited all the maps beginning in late
1938, when
my parents got married. The interesting thing here is that I wound up
the Gilbert Grosvenor Fellowship in Geography as an MA student.  I
figure I got
back all the NGS dues my parents paid over the years!  ;-)

\ /     Virginia R. Hetrick, here in sunny California
  0      Voicemail:  310.471.1766  Email:  [log in to unmask]
  Oo     "There is always hope."
         My health site:  http://www.yana.org/hetrick
         Site of the month:  http://www.washington.edu/cambots/camera1_l.gif