-------- Original Message --------
Subject: GPO's Collection of Last Resort Plan - Comment Period Extended
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 13:47:53 -0400
From: Etkin, Cynthia L. <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>,        [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>,        [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>,        [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>,        [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>,        [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>

This message was cross-posted.  Please excuse any duplication.

Below is a summary of GPO's planning document for the Collection of Last
Resort. Development and implementation of this plan will benefit from public
comments.  GPO is seeking comments from the Federal depository community and
from those who rely upon Federal depositories as a source of information.
So that a broader audience might be reached, please feel free to share this
message with colleagues or forward it to other appropriate discussion lists.

The comment period has been extended until September 7, 2004.  Comments on
this document may be sent to me, Judy Russell, Superintendent of Documents,
[log in to unmask]

Collection of Last Resort, June 18, 2004, on GPO Access at

GPO's Collection of Last Resort (CLR) supports the GPO mission to provide
comprehensive, timely, permanent public access to U.S. Government
publications in all formats.  This draft plan represents GPO's thinking as
of June 2004, and has been extensively revised based on the comments
received in the April - June 2004 period.


The CLR is a complete depository collection, consisting of multiple
collections of tangible and digital publications, located at multiple sites,
and operated by various partners within and beyond the U.S. Government.

The primary purpose of the CLR is to support the Federal Depository Library
Program (FDLP) in its mission to ensure no-fee permanent public access to
the official publications of the United States Government.  GPO will
proactively acquire and preserve tangible and electronic copies of
Government publications.

The CLR will support diverse GPO organizations and operations through access
to stored digital objects. GPO will provide online public access and other
information products and services derived from the digital preservation
masters and other items in the CLR.  Access copies of the stored digital
objects will be available for no-fee online use by the public and for
print-on-demand and document delivery services.  The CLR will enable Federal
depository libraries to access digital copies or to acquire printed copies
for their collections.  In addition, Federal depository libraries will be
able to consolidate or reduce their local tangible FDLP Collections secure
in the knowledge that copies will be perpetually available from the GPO CLR.


The Federal Depository Library Program Collections (FDLP Collections)
include preservation and access copies of digital objects and tangible
publications. These collection components are geographically dispersed,
serve different functions, and are managed according to their specific roles
in the overall program for public access to government information.


*       The CLR is primarily created to support the FDLP goal of no-fee
permanent public access, but also supports other GPO information
dissemination and preservation programs, including print-on-demand for
publications sales.
*       The CLR includes the existing FDLP Electronic Collection.  (See
http://www.gpoaccess.gov/about/reports/ecplan2004rev1.pdf )
*       It will take three to five years to assemble the tangible CLR and
digitize the 2.2 million titles (60 million pages) for the electronic CLR.
*       It is estimated that the depository library community and others
will make an initial investment of $50 million to digitize legacy FDLP
Collection of print materials.
*       GPO estimates the Government's portion of establishing and managing
the CLR at approximately $1.5 million per year for the next five years.
*       Digital objects may be ingested or created for the FDLP Electronic
Collection portion of the CLR.
*       Tangible copies of "born digital" products will be produced for the
dark archive as backups for the digital objects in the CLR.
*       Bibliographic access to all items in the CLR will be provided
through GPO's National Bibliography and potentially by other metadata


Judith C. Russell ([log in to unmask])
Superintendent of Documents and Managing Director, Information Dissemination
U.S. Government Printing Office
Phone: 202-512-0571
Fax: 202-512-1434