
Subject: NACIS conference Oct. 12-15
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005
From: Dennis McClendon <[log in to unmask]>
To: Maps, Air Photo & Geospatial Systems Forum
<[log in to unmask]>

This fall's NACIS conference is only five weeks away.  Many of you
recently received preliminary programs inviting you to attend this
affordable, friendly conference, Oct. 12-15 in Salt Lake City.

This is the 25th anniversary of NACIS, and we'll be marking the
occasion with a plenary breakfast and other celebrations.  A special
focus this year is historical mapping, and there are at least a dozen
presentations on the topic.  Earlier this week, David Rumsey agreed
to be the speaker at our Friday night banquet, which should prove
extremely interesting.

Anyone who's ever attended knows what a fun and friendly conference
NACIS is.  Practical Cartography Day gives working mapmakers a chance
to swap tips on production and design.  The conference itself starts
this year with the popular Map-Off, a lively discussion of
cartographic design, and an opening reception.  Thursday night, we'll
choose from a buffet of free and fun activities in downtown Salt Lake
City.  Friday night after the banquet the fun and games will include
Geodweeb Geopardy.  And the conference concludes on Saturday with an
optional excursion to Snowbird for early autumn fun.

If you enjoy talking about maps, please join us in Salt Lake City for
a terrific conference in a spectacular setting.  You can download a
program and register online at http://www.nacis.org    If you'd
prefer, I'll be happy to drop a program in the mail to you.

Dennis McClendon, Chicago CartoGraphics
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