-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        How do you handle your map cataloguing ? - Summary of responses
Date:   Thu, 13 Apr 2006 14:45:54 -0600
From:   Jones, David (Library) <[log in to unmask]>
To:     <[log in to unmask]>, <[log in to unmask]>

Hi Folks

In the middle of March, 2006 I posted the following query to the
Canadian and American map libraries lists (CARTA-l and MAPS-L).
I wish to thank everyone who took the time to respond and I'd like to
share a summary of the responses.


We've been facing an ongoing challenge in securing resources (staff) for
cataloguing our current acquisitions of monographic maps.  Our current
policy is to give full LC-MARC cataloguing to current (1995 +)
monographic maps. These records are in our Library's online catalogue.
I'm preparing some documentation and am looking for a snapshot of how
other map libraries/collections are coping.

In particular:

1)  Do you catalogue the maps into the main catalogue, or do you use an
alternate access tool?

If not into the main catalogue, what do you do?

2)  Who does the cataloguing?   Library's bibliographic services staff?
Map collection staff?     Outsourced?  Other approaches?

3)  Do you/they create MARC Records?

4)  Do you use LC Classification?

5)  Do you submit your map records to a utility (OCLC, RLIN, AMICUS,

Your input on these questions, and any other comments you may have, will
be most appreciated!

Many thanks, in advance, for your assistance.


I received over thirty (30) responses:  nine (10) Canadian; 21 USA; and
two (2) International.

In summary, the responses to the questions were as follows:

1. Do you catalogue the maps into the main catalogue, or do you use an
alternate access tool?

If not into the main catalogue, what do you do?

All but two respondents indicated that current receipts are added to the
main catalogue. In a number of cases it was pointed out that there
existed an older catalogue with items which had not yet been recon'd
into the main catalogue.   The one collection that does not enter into
the main catalogue is a departmental collection within a Geography
Department.  One other respondent indicated that  records are generated
in a separated database (FGDC) and migrated to the OPAC., and another
that records are catalogued in the OCLC/Connexion and brought into a
local catalogue.

2)  Who does the cataloguing?   Library's bibliographic services staff?
Map collection staff?     Outsourced?  Other approaches?

There were a number of themes here.  "Cataloguing Division" of
"Bibliographic Services" of the main library was responsible in 18
responses while 'Map Collection Staff' were indicated in 14. One of the
latter indicated that there is plan to migrate the responsibility to the
Cataloguing Division.

3)  Do you/they create MARC Records?

All but one of the respondents indicated that they create MARC records.
The exception creates INMAGIC records

4)  Do you use LC Classification?

Most (26) of the respondents use LC classification. The others use a
variety of classifications; SuDoc, Boggs & Lewis; and others

5)  Do you submit your map records to a utility (OCLC, RLIN, AMICUS,

Most  (29) of the respondents submit records to at least one  major
utility. OCLC was indicated in 21 cases, and is the most common.
AMICUS, RLIN and some other were also mentioned..


Also of note:

In 2004 The Bibliographic Control Committee (BCC) of the Association of
Canadian Map Libraries and Archives (ACMLA) undertook and extensive
survey of the status of map cataloguing across Canada.   The report of
this survey can be found on the BCC page of the ACMLA website [
http://www.ssc.uwo.ca/assoc/acml/survey2004report0824.pdf ] .


David L. Jones, Map Librarian
William C. Wonders Map Collection
Science & Technology Library
1-26 Cameron Library
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2J8
voice  (780)492-3433     fax   (780)492-2721
e-mail   [log in to unmask]