-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        ICC2007 abstracts due December 15
Date:   Mon, 4 Dec 2006 09:28:09 -0500
From:   Jane Read <[log in to unmask]>
To:     Angela Cope <[log in to unmask]>

Sent on behalf of Dr. Cynthia Brewer, Pennsylvania State University.

ICC2007 Abstracts due December 15

The deadline for abstracts for the International Cartographic Conference
in Moscow, August 4-10 2007, was extended to December 15 and that's two
weeks from now:
http://www.icc2007.com/site.php?go=68&page=312&lang=ENG <http://www.icc2007.com/site.php?go=68&page=312<=ENG>
This meeting is also the Assembly of the International Cartographic
Association (ICA).

The ICC2007 registration site is now in good working order. To submit an
abstract, click on the "On-line registration" item in the left-side list
on the ICC2007 web page: http://onlinereg.ru/aevents2/ae2.php?go=36&scene=1

Once you enter name and address information, the system provides a login
and password. A variety of choices are listed on this registration page
and abstract submission is one of them. Payment, Hotel, Social program,
etc., are separate sections within this part of the web site.

The abstract submission section will allow you to upload an .RTF or .DOC
file. Please note the formatting instructions on the "How to" link. I
suggest that those of you who met the initial November 1 deadline by
emailing an abstract should re-submit your abstract through this process.

If you will be requesting partial travel funding from USNC-ICA, please
also email your abstract to me by December 15, at [log in to unmask] (and
even if you don't need funding, I'd like to know you are going so I can
invite you to meetings of U.S. participants and include you on
infrequent news emails.)

Cindy Brewer
Chair of USNC-ICA
http://www.usnc-ica.org <http://www.usnc-ica.org/>

Dr. Cynthia A. Brewer
Associate Head, Associate Professor
Department of Geography, 302 Walker Building
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
[log in to unmask]

http://colorbrewer.org <http://colorbrewer.org/>
http://www.geog.psu.edu <http://www.geog.psu.edu/>