-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Map Awareness - Map Use
Date:   Wed, 28 Mar 2007 09:52:58 +0300
From:   Ekrem ALIMLI <[log in to unmask]>
To:     'Maps, Air Photo & Geospatial Systems Forum' <[log in to unmask]>

Dear Sirs,

For my thesis, I am trying to figure out the responsibilities and the role
of the governmental organizations and NGOs in map literacy and map awareness
in their countries.

For this aim, I am researching the "map cultures" of the governmental
organizations and NGOs map awareness and map literacy. How they communicate
with their citizens by their maps? How they share their maps?

I need the examples of departments publishing maps for people (on paper or
on their web), teaching map use, making examples of map use, publishing web
maps for children, departments selling their cartographic works etc...

Many countries /organizations feel themselves responsible for the map
awareness and map literacy of their nation. It is something like the "book
literacy problem" for them and many of them seriously care about it.  I
found some examples in the sites of USGS, Ordnance Survey, U.S. Census
Bureau. Did you catch any others?





Any other examples (although just the links of the web sites) from you will
be very helpful for me.

Best Regards,


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