-------- Original Message --------
Subject:     Journal of Maps Mashup Competition
Date:     Mon, 07 Sep 2009 13:03:09 +0100
From:     Smith, Michael <[log in to unmask]>

Journal of Maps Google Maps Mashup Competition

At the Journal of Maps we have recently moved over to having a Google
Maps map on the main page showing the location of maps we have published
in the journal. Its not exciting or pretty, but does the job. However we
thought it about time we ran a competition to develop the best Google
Maps mashup.

The rules are simple: use the JoM GeoRSS feed
(http://journalofmaps.com/about.php?helpfile=smartyRSS.xml) and Google
Maps APIs to do something interesting, useful, unique. The map can be
designed to load in to the current space on the main page OR load in to
a separate window.

Every *legitimate* entry to the competition will get a printed copy of
our 2008 Best Map
For the winner there is £200 payable via PayPal.

The contest runs from now until 11:59pm on Thursday, 31 December 2009.
Entry is straightforward: just email [log in to unmask] giving
a grief description of the project and a link to the code or project
home page.


Dr Mike J Smith

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Maps (www.journalofmaps.com)

School of Geography, Geology and the Environment

Centre for Earth and Environmental Science Research

Kingston University London

Penrhyn Road, Kingston-upon-Thames

Surrey, KT1 2EE, UK

T:0207 099 2817 | F:0870 063 3061

OS X/Y:518098/168540 | Lat/Long: 51.403603/-0.303575 | TOID: 1000041424855
