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From: "Nancy P. Masimer" <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 1:51:04 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: A.E. Mathews

My goodness!  Thank you all for your help and references.

I have a newspaper article form the Daily Chieftain from Pueblo, Colorado, September 14, 1872 that states "Mr. A.E. Mathews has been engaged arranging and completing an original design for a map of the earth, showing the developments from the earliest epoch to the age of man."  The map will be four feet by six feet in dimensions.

Does anyone know anything about this map?


Royal Gorge Regional Museum and History Center
612 Royal Gorge Boulevard
P.O. Box 1460
CaƱon City, Colorado  81212