-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: Storing historical maps on large diameter tubes
Date:   Tue, 30 Mar 2010 20:16:08 +0000 (GMT)
From:   A CARLUCCI <[log in to unmask]>
To:     Air Photo GIS Forum - Map LibrarianshipMaps <[log in to unmask]>

Dear Amy

In the article I wrote on map storage methods you'll find photos and
descriptions of how large rolled antiquarian maps are stored at the
British Library Map Collections. It involves wrapping a treated map (so
that it is not brittle) around a plastic core (using a layer of acid
free tissue to keep the map surface from being damaged), wrapping it
in linen and tying with cotton strips. This is probably the most
satisfactory method of storing rolled maps I've seen. However, you
should always consider first whether or not you have any option to store
the maps flat, as flat is always preferable if at all possible.

The citation for the article is:

“Physical considerations of the storage of printed cartographic
materials in libraries, or, My life in a map case.” _The Cartographic
Journal_ (Map Curators’ Group Special Issue), vol. 42, no. 3, December
2005. p. 245-54.

Hope this helps.


April Carlucci
The Itinerant Map Catalog(u)er

--- On *Tue, 30/3/10, Angie Cope /<[log in to unmask]>/* wrote:

    From: Angie Cope <[log in to unmask]>
    Subject: Storing historical maps on large diameter tubes
    To: [log in to unmask]
    Date: Tuesday, 30 March, 2010, 16:26

    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject:        Storing historical maps on large diameter tubes
    Date:   Tue, 30 Mar 2010 11:10:43 -0400
    From:   Amy E Baker <[log in to unmask]
    <http:[log in to unmask]>>
    To:     [log in to unmask]
    <http:[log in to unmask]>

    How do you store large historical maps that require a large diameter
    core? What materials do you use for a core or tube?

    I am a conservator at an academic library, and we have about 35 large
    maps that require permanent archival storage on large diameter tubes (10
    in. x 6 ft.)  We've been quoted $170 for one acid-free tube this size.
    Although we have a decent budget I can't justify to myself spending
    $6000 on this...There are many solutions out there that involve wrapping
    a non-archival material in something else. Examples are PVC pipe, bubble
    wrap or cardboard cement forming tubes covered in bookcloth, mylar,
    muslin or polyester webbing.

    What solutions have you come up with at your institution? How are the
    cores holding up?

    Thank you. Your suggestions are much appreciated.

    Amy Baker

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