-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Success on getting the 1860 Slave Population Map to open.
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 21:31:42 -0800
From: Virginia R Hetrick PhD <[log in to unmask]>
To: Maps, Air Photo, GIS Forum - Map Librarianship <[log in to unmask]>

Thanks to everybody for the suggestions.  After I heard from Jim that
he also had trouble with the BIG download, I took another shot at it.
It appears that what happened is that my first download was incomplete
and the second try managed to get the full .pdf of 29MB finally down
(it did take a considerable amount of time and, if I still had dialup,
you would have seen me scurrying to the library for the second
download attempt).

Why I particularly wanted the .pdf file is that I'm now the proud
owner of an HP Design Jet and when I have a chance to breathe in this
weekend, I want to see how the .pdf reproduces on the DJ at its given
size and at a size that's effectively 200%.  It's my learning curve.
I pretty well know what happens when you do stuff like that to .jpgs.

Thanks again.

Virginia R. Hetrick, here in sunny California
Email:  [log in to unmask]
"There is always hope."
My fave:  http://www.washington.edu/cambots/camera1_l.gif
There's no place like:  34N 8' 25.40", 117W 58'5.36"
if you can't be at:  48N 6' 59.9" 122W 59' 54.2"