-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: Maps-L is on Facebook
Date:   Tue, 14 Jun 2011 11:32:14 -0400
From:   Joel Kovarsky <[log in to unmask]>
To:     Maps, Air Photo, GIS Forum - Map Librarianship
<[log in to unmask]>

There is no point in trying to halt broad social trends, since it will
not work, but I have some distinct concerns. I do not belong to
Facebook, and I recognize that some of this is generational (but
changing). There are very significant privacy concerns with Facebook,
and pushing everyone to join could split the information posted to the
list. My own reaction to the marketing behemoth has nothing to do with a
fear of technology, but does relate to how they use personal information
(no matter what your privacy settings).

It will be a loss if posts start to be split, and there are other ways
to allow larger files. MapHist permits some Word files, and there are
usually ways to disseminate and post
documents and photos that don't involve all the negatives of the massive
social networking site. Small bits are fine, but pushing people to this
strictly on the basis of mass marketing could create any number of

While one could create a survey of opinions regarding the issue (not an
original thought on my part), one problem with many of those short
surveys is that they frame both questions and answers, not to mention
the issues surrounding sampling errors. I hope that others will share
their thoughts, perhaps in some detail, with the list.

Joel Kovarsky

On 6/14/2011 9:22 AM, Angie Cope, American Geographical Society Library,
UW Milwaukee wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Sue Hawkins has created a Maps-L group page on Facebook. This could be a
> great forum for video, image, blog, event and other announcement
> sharing. Check it out ... search MAPS-L at fb.
> This email list will continue to operate as it always has.
> Angie