-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        OCLC QC Tip of the Month / June 2011: BFAS
Date:   Mon, 6 Jun 2011 12:44:10 -0400
From:   Goodson,Luanne <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To:       askqc <[log in to unmask]>
To:     <[log in to unmask]>

[Cross-posted to multiple lists-- please excuse/ignore duplication]


OCLC's “Bibliographic Formats and Standards”
(BFAS)_http://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/_is a guide to machine-readable
cataloging records in WorldCat. It provides tagging conventions, input
standards, cataloging practices, and guidelines for entering information
into WorldCat. In Chapter 2, there is detailed information on original
and copy cataloging, as well as a comparisons between the different
levels of cataloging found in WorldCat. Chapter 3 provides guidelines on
special cataloging topics such as "In" analytics, Theses, Parallel
records, Electronic resources, etc.

To promote a common basis for decision-making and creation of a useful
database, OCLC and its advisory groups established guidelines for
inputting new records into WorldCat which are covered in Chapter 4 ‘When
to Input a New Record’. Chapter 5 is ‘Quality Assurance’. This chapter
provides guidelines on how to participate in OCLC’s quality programs
such as database enrichment, how to edit records in WorldCat, or, report
errors to OCLC’s Quality Control. Other chapters provide MARC field and
subfield coding. Each section includes the input standards noted at the
top of the screen for full and less-than-full level cataloging and many
examples. The examples provided are illustrative, not prescriptive.

For the very latest information see the Technical Bulletins
list_http://www.oclc.org/support/documentation/technicalbulletins/_. TB
258 explainsin detail the new fields, subfields, search indexes, etc.
added for MARC Format Update2010. Many of the changes are related to the
scheduled testing and possible future implementation of Resource
Description and Access (RDA)_http://www.rdatoolkit.org/_, the proposed
successor to AACR2.

If you have questions, please send email to: [log in to unmask]

Luanne Goodson

Consulting Database Specialist

OCLC Quality Control Section

6565 Kilgour Place MC 139

Dublin, Ohio, USA 43017-3395