
The U.S. Geological Survey, Climate and Land Use Change Mission Area, is seeking applicants for two leadership positions in the Land Remote Sensing Program: the Program Coordinator and the Associate Program Coordinator. Â Please assist us by spreading the word to colleagues and potential candidates.

These positions provide leadership and management for the science, engineering, and operations aspects of the program.  As you know, the program is known for operating, providing data, and developing information products from the Landsat satellites.  Other land remote sensing responsibilities include areas such as user requirements, UAS, LiDAR, and international data exchanges.

The two positions are being advertised together (one job announcement for both). Â Each is advertised in both the Physical Scientist (1301) and Engineer (801) job series, and for both internal (merit promotion, MP) and external candidates (delegated examination, DEU).

USAjobs links and announcement numbers:

Supervisory Physical Scientist MP: ATL-2014-0018

Supervisory Physical Scientist DEU: Â ATL-2014-0013

Supervisory Engineer MP: Â ATL-2014-0032

Supervisory Engineer DEU: Â ATL-2014-0024

Thanks for your help getting the word out. Â This is an exciting and important step for the Land Remote Sensing Program; I'm eager to see the slate of candidates.


Sarah J Ryker, PhD
USGS Deputy Associate Director, Climate & Land Use Change
703-648-5210 office, 571-533-7000 mobile