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Subject: Two questions: (1) Geologic maps of Georgia, and (2) is there a registry of scanned documents?
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 11:05:44 -0500
From: David R Soller <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>

This is my first note to this listserve, and so I'm a bit apprehensive about whether my questions are relevant.  Here goes...

(1)  I need to find certain paper or scanned geologic maps of Georgia, to include in the National Geologic Map Database's "mapView" interface (http://ngmdb.usgs.gov/maps/mapview/).  We've got the USGS maps, but have an incomplete set of Georgia Geologic Survey maps, and those by other publishers. (This holds true for other states as well, and especially for the newer maps, which are born-digital...)
If you have Georgia GS maps in your library, or have scanned them, would you please contact me so we can compare notes?

(2)  My project (National Geologic Map Database) is busily scanning USGS and other-agency geoscience maps and reports.  We coordinate with the USGS Publications Warehouse and State Geological Surveys, doing our best to be aware of "who's scanned what", but we know that some duplication of effort is inevitable.
Does there exist, or is there interest in developing, a registry of publications for which a complete and high-quality scan is available or is scheduled to be scanned, and which organization holds that scan?  I'm guessing this question has been asked many times before and so, as a Listserve-newcomer, I apologize in advance for not knowing the answer!


Dave Soller
U.S. Geological Survey