The world of map librarians seems to be relatively small and as a career specialization, a young field given that the first course in a LIS program in the US (world?) was 1950.  I am researching this and decided to ask this incredible group of MAPS-L followers and contributors two questions.  Please send replies directly to me (Susie Aber, [log in to unmask]), and I will summarize and post the results for all to see – Thanks so much in advance!

1. Which LIS schools offer a dual/joint/double graduate degree program for LIS and geography/map/geospatial librarianship?


2. Which LIS schools offer courses specific to map/geospatial librarianship?

By LIS programs & schools, I also mean to include SLIS, SIRLS, SI, ischool, GSEIS, MLIS, GSLIS, SLIM, SIS, SISLT, SCI, SCILS, CCI, SILS, LSD, EGCTI, LSC, MCIS, SOIS, SLAIS, SIM, EBSI...