Harvard University is looking for a Cartographic Materials Project Cataloger. If you are interested in applying for the position, please visit our website to apply directly to it: http://bit.ly/YdVVLZ.

Attached, please find a full job description.

Thank you,

Susan P. Sachar
H A R V A R D   U N I V E R S I T Y
Recruitment Services Coordinator
124 Mount Auburn St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Office: 617-496-9248   Fax: 617-496-2600
[View my profile on LinkedIn]<http://www.linkedin.com/pub/susan-sachar/a/4a1/18a>[http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ5_4fLg8nTh1ma57ROh5J2i82xtAngRlbkUTIEZCYsTmLMHXSB9TR3vRgd]<https://sjobs.brassring.com/1033/ASP/TG/cim_home.asp?partnerid=25240&siteid=5341>[http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs081/1103630271834/img/218.jpg?a=1112679932482]<https://twitter.com/HarvardJobs>