It looks like this question hasn't been discussed recently and I'd really appreciate some advice.

Chicago Public Library is looking for a printer/plotter/scanner/copier that duplicates maps and charts in our FDLP collection as well as prints out custom GIS data such as USTopos.

What are your recommendations?

Would the machines that print from digital files also be able to make photocopies of maps that are still in our collection in paper, or would we need two machines?

How resilient are new machines? If they do more, do they fail faster?

Do you find it is better to get multiple size machines, needing both a 24" and a 42-44"?

Do you handle duplication requests in-house or do you send patrons to a central graphics and reproductions office?

How much do you charge and how do you determine price?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Sarah Erekson
Librarian II
Government Publications and Municipal Reference
Chicago Public Library
400 South State Street, 5th floor
Chicago, IL 60605
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