We have the following 2 items to offer to libraries: 

Unbound portfolio atlas of maps on the " Geology of the Aspen District, Colorado ". These are essentially the plates in the atlas for USGS monograph 31, 1898. 
There are sheets for topography, geology and cross sections. 
These are all based upon the Aspen, Colorado 1:62500 from 1893 but are drawn to various scales ranging from ~1:3600 to ~1:9000 
I don't mind breaking up the portfolio if someone just wants individual maps. 
You can preview the images at: https://archive.org/details/atlastoaccompany00spur or http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/130071#page/9/mode/1up 

Geological map of sectors of Gondwana reconstructed to their disposition-150 Ma. / by Maarten de Wit ... [et al.]. AAPG, 1988. Scale 1:10,000,000. 1 map on 2 sheets 
This is a somewhat beaten up map, having been mounted on a wall....much of the tape on the back remains. With a little work, it could be removed. 

Linda Musser, Librarian and Head 
Fletcher L. Byrom Earth & Mineral Sciences Library 
Pennsylvania State University 
105 Deike Building, University Park PA 16802 USA 
814-863-7073; [log in to unmask] 
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