This story was posted 23 Sept. 2014: . This is one example of the intersection of science and art. From the piece:

" More than 50 geoglyphs with various shapes and sizes, including a massive swastika, have been discovered across northern Kazakhstan in Central Asia, say archaeologists. ...

Discovered using Google Earth, the geoglyphs are designed in a variety of geometric shapes, including squares, rings, crosses and swastikas (the swastika is a design that was used in ancient times). Ranging from 90 to 400 meters (295 to 1,312 feet) in diameter, some of them are longer than a modern-day aircraft carrier. Researchers say that the geoglyphs are difficult to see on the ground, but can easily be seen from the sky. [See Photos of the Amazing Geoglyphs in Kazakhstan] "

The article mentions other locations of similar structures, the best known being in Peru. Their meanings are not known--speculations include representations of constellations and land ownership markings.

          Joel Kovarsky