
I am delighted to announce that Ailleen Buckley, ESRI Cartographer will being giving our workshop at our WAML meeting.

Here's the info:
Converting Print Map Collection to Share Online

Rich founts of information often sit untapped in unexploited library map drawers, inaccessible stocks of map publishers, under-utilized archives in museums, and even unexplored private collections. The maps in these collections could prove invaluable in providing views into the past, and these situations run counter to the common expectation that everything of value, or required for reference and research, best serves the needs of the mapping community by being available through the Internet. The web offers the best opportunity for archiving and sharing these collections with wider audiences for a number of reasons. A good example is the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Historical Topographic Map Explorer—a web application (app) that provides users access to almost 180,000 scanned maps through a user interface that provides easy exploration, engaging visual comparison, and speedy download of maps in the collection. Using this web app as an example, this workshop takes you step-by-step through a solution for converting map collections to a format that can be shared online. You’ll start with scanning, georeferencing, and building metadata for the maps. You’ll learn how the map images are converted from raster data to image services that can be viewed on the web. Finally, you’ll learn how to create the web maps and use them in a web app that provides the user interface and functionality in a useful and engaging online map explorer app.
Aileen Buckley, Esri Cartographer
Dr. Aileen Buckley is a Professional Cartographer and has been making maps for over 30 years. Her PhD is from Oregon State University, and she was on the faculty at University of Oregon. Dr. Buckley has published and lectured widely on topics relating to cartography and GIS. She is an author of the "Atlas of Oregon" (2001) and the sixth and seventh editions of "Map Use" (2009 and 2012). She publishes regularly in Esri's ArcWatch and ArcUser. She is a past president of the Cartography and Geographic Information Society. She is currently on the U.S. National Committee to the International Cartographic Association and is a U.S. Delegate to the ICA.

The workshop will be held
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 from 3 to 7pm.

Space is limited to 24.  When you register, please let us know if you'll attend.

For those that have already registered, please contact me or Lisa Lamont  [log in to unmask]" class="rwRR" tabindex="-1" id="spnR" style="color:rgb(64,140,217); text-decoration:underline; background-color:rgb(255,255,255)">[log in to unmask] to let us know you'll be there.

Sorry for the late change.  The good news is that we'll go right from the workshop to the early-bird dinner :)

--Chris Thiry
WAML President
WAML Conference Co-ordinator

Christopher J.J. Thiry
Map Librarian
Colorado School of Mines
1400 Illinois
Golden, CO 80401
p. 303-273-3697
f. 303-273-3199
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