I am curious to see the article Paige Andrews mentions. Although not formally established, some of the groundwork for the FDLP had begun in the early 19th century as the idea of distributing select government documents to libraries outside the government began to surface. The Printing Act of 1895 set up some of the legal groundwork for distribution. The formal establishment of the FDLP, from what I can see, came with the Depository Library Act of 1962 ( Title 44, Chapter 19 of the U.S. Code; http://www.fdlp.gov/file-repository/about-the-fdlp/4-depository-library-act-of-1962?path=about-the-fdlp ).

        Joel Kovarsky

On 10/2/15 8:16 AM, Ken Grabach wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 7:27 PM, Hartley, Melissa <[log in to unmask]&cc=&bcc=&su=&body=','_blank');return false;">[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hello. I am new to maps cataloging and to this list, so please pardon my ignorance of the answer to this question.

Does anyone know when federal maps (USGS in particular) began distribution via FDLP depository libraries?  My research points to sometime around 1984.  Does anyone know if this date is correct?


Melissa Hartley

OSU Libraries and Press
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon 97331-4501

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