See the conference announcement below - sent on behalf of MAGIC, the ICA Commission on Cartographic Heritage into the Digital and the conference organizers. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, Anda, Carme or Renata. 

Hope to see you in Riga next year!

Dear Colleagues,


We are pleased to invite you to the joint Conferences, 20th conference of Map and Geoinformation Curators Group, MAGIC (former Group de Cartothécaire de LIBER) and 11th ICA Conference of Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage.


The Conferences will be held in Riga, Latvia, 20-22 April 2016, hosted and co-organised by the LNB - National Library of Latvia.


The Conferences are organised jontly with the ICA Commission on Cartographic Heritage into the Digital.


Please submit paper title and summary before 15. January 2016.


For more information visit



Look forward to meet you in Riga,


Anda, Carme and Renata

Marcy Bidney
Curator, American Geographical Society Library
Assistant Director, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2311 E. Hartford Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53211