Hi all,


I’ve read the responses to my OCLC question so far, and thought I should submit a few clarifications.  I am cataloging solely in RDA.  That’s policy now for our library.  I have updated some AACR2 records to RDA in Sirsi.  And I’m doing more than just adding a few 33x fields when I do these upgrades to PCC.  Hopefully the mapping community won’t find any glaring errors in my work.  The creation of hybrid records rubs me wrong too.  But my initial question remains.  How do I know if, and in what manner, the changes I make locally will impact OCLC?  I’m glad to know that OCLC is not deduping map records, but I’m sure I’ve created tons of duplicate records over the years, unknowingly.  Again, thanks to all of you, for all you do.


Rick Grapes

“the map Nazi”

No maps for you!