
The MARC21 documentation for bibliographic records from the Library of Congress can be found at http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/ and all the formats can be found at http://www.loc.gov/marc

The Map and Geospatial Information Round Table Cataloging and Classification Committee has a subcommittee that has been working on guidelines for cartographic resources cataloging. We're putting the finishing touches on it and hope to get it out soon. When it is posted, we'll announce its availability on MAPS-L.

Susan Moore
Coordinator of the Cataloging-Metadata Unit
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA  50614
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On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 3:01 AM, ΙΦΙΓΕΝΕΙΑ ΒΑΡΔΑΚΩΣΤΑ <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear all,

The conservation for the use of 034 and 255 was rather useful for me and I thank you for that.

For your knowledge, 26 academic libraries in Greece are going to migrate from various library systems that sustained so far (e.g.HORIZON, ALEPH, ADVANCE etc) and UNIMARC, to Sierra and MARC 21.

As I’m in the policy committee for framing  common rules in cataloguing and took over the MARC 21 for maps (translation and guidance in use for the 26  libraries to follow), and in the name of interoperability and the common workflow in map cataloguing that all librarians must have and for the easy retrieval of sources as well, I intend to propose the use of 034 as in the current conversation was mentioned. What I mean is :

·         to propose all maps have coordinates, no matter if they mentioned in the map,

·         the use of the http://boundingbox.klokantech.com/ (it is free of charge as I can see, right?) for detecting coordinates in the case they are not mentioned in the map.

·         The use of 034 $2 subfield (source) with the code "bound" as April mentioned.


As I searched I couldn’t find the MARC 21  document from LC, in which the addition of 034 can be seen.

Is it familiar to any of you? It would be nice to have the formal document which will proof what I stand for (besides the very interesting and useful article of Marcey Bidney for the use of coordinates in library’s catalogue).


Do you have any other idea/suggestion that I have to take in account and include in my proposals for action in cataloguing?


I really thank you very much and I wait for your answers for proceed accordingly.


Ifigenia Vardakosta

Head Librarian

Library & Information Centre

Harokopio University



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(E 23°42'24"--E 23°42'34"/N 37°57'44"--N 37°57'36")


PhD Candidate

Ionian University


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