A happy announcement that the current theme issue of the Journal of Map & Geography Libraries' online issue was published in late September. Volume 11, number 2 is on the topic of "Geospatial Data Management, Curation, and Preservation" and contains six articles on one or more areas of the theme. Paper version was released last week and should be hitting libraries that subscribe to it soon. 

We all are aware that the data management lifecycle applies also to geospatial data but with some additional obstacles and opportunities. We are anxious to get the second issue of this theme into your hands as soon as possible, in the meantime there is plenty to learn from in the content of 11(1), including:

Discovery, Management, and Preservation of Geospatial Data Using Hydra

Terra Populus: Workflows for Integrating and Harmonizing Geospatial Population and Environmental Data

just to name a couple. 

To access the online version go to: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wmgl20/current

Happy reading! And learning from your colleagues! And remember, we are always looking for papers that fall within the scope of JMGL: http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=wmgl20#.Vg7IxvlViko


Paige G. Andrew
Katherine Hart Weimer
Co-editors, Journal of Map & Geography Libraries
