The Journal of Map & Geography Libraries receives manuscripts on an ongoing basis, do not hesitate to contact the editors if you wish to share an idea, a summary, an abstract, or a draft of a paper for consideration. We need immediately manuscripts for the first issue of 2016. This will be a non-theme issue and therefore we invite papers on any geospatial information and libraries topic that is within the scope of JMGL, which can be found at: 

In addition, one need not be an established professional or similar in one of the many fields that touches upon geospatial information, mapping, etc. to be considered for publication. We wholeheartedly invite student submissions, and in fact have had papers authored by students receive our Best Paper Award for their excellent work. 

We are a peer-reviewed journal (using the double-blind process) and we publish research from an international scope on the collecting, organization, and utilization of geographic and cartographic materials and information. As but examples, recent special or theme issues were on ‘Crisis Mapping’, Vol. 8(2) (2012) [which is currently "open" with free access to its content through the end of 2015], 'Working Digitally with Historic Maps’, Vol. 9(1&2), and most recently the first half of two issues on the theme of 'Geospatial Data Management, Curation, and Preservation' Vol. 11(2) [issue #3 due out in November]. In-between work on our theme issues we are always seeking and happy to receive candidate manuscripts on any topic within scope! 

More information about the journal overall can be found at 

The co-editors can be contacted at [log in to unmask] 

We look forward to hearing from you!! 

Kathy Weimer and Paige Andrew, co-editors, Journal of Map & Geography Libraries