Encircled by sea: mapping coastal communities of Australia and New Zealand.

The 44th annual conference of the Australian and New Zealand Map Society will be held in Wollongong, New South Wales, September 7 – 9, 2016.

Encircled by sea, Australia and New Zealand share a common history of exploration and settlement along the coastal fringes. The 2016 conference will explore the European discovery and gradual mapping and settlement of Australia and New Zealand and the significant role explorers, surveyors and cartographers have played in shaping and documenting the changing coastal landscape over more than 200 years. The conference program also acknowledges the 400th anniversary of the landing of Dirk Hartog in his vessel the Eendracht off the coast of Shark Bay, on 25 October 1616.

Call for papers

Papers will be considered relating to any historical or contemporary aspects of coastal mapping of Australia and New Zealand from the earliest European discoveries through to the gradual surveying and settlement of coastal cities, towns and communities along our coastlines over the past 400 years.

Papers on general historical or contemporary mapping of Australia, New Zealand and the surrounding region will also be considered as providing context and breadth to the conference program.

Please send proposals for 30 minute papers of no more than 300 words to Maggie Patton ([log in to unmask]) by Monday 11 April, 2016. Please include affiliation details.

Further details are available on the ANZMapS website.

Thank you,



Maggie Patton | Manager
Research and Discovery, Library & Information Services

Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
T: +61 2 92731709

E: [log in to unmask]

