

We are scanning this very set right now!  At least I think it’s the same.  If you have a record for it, send it to me and I’ll double check.







Julie Sweetkind-Singer

Assistant Director of Geospatial, Cartographic and Scientific Data

Head Librarian, Branner Earth Sciences Library & Map Collections

397 Panama Mall, MC: 2211

Stanford University

Stanford, CA 94305



From: Maps-L: Map Librarians, etc. [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Ken Grabach
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 9:02 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: map set of the Canada - U.S. border


Hello, colleagues.


I have been going through a major weeding project prior to moving the sheet maps from a storage location to rejoin other materials at the science library on campus.  As invariably happens in such projects, serendipitous finds unearth themselves.


One such potential treasure that has come to light is a set from the early 20th-century of map sheets of the Canada - U.S. border.  They are topographic strip maps, showing a narrow width of the land on either side of the border.  Most of these comprise two strips per sheet, one strip above the other.  As best as I can tell, this is a complete set.  These are sheets about the size of small topographic quadrangles, only oriented with the longer dimension horizontal rather than vertical,  Our copies are mounted on linen backing.


My questions are these:  Does anyone know of a digital set of these maps available in a freely accessible site?  If not, is there value in creating digital copies from scans of the print originals?


Any ideas are welcome.




Ken Grabach

Maps Librarian

BEST Library, 219D

Miami University Libraries

Oxford, OH  45056  USA

