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From: Jim Lacy <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 10:07 AM
To: UW Geospatial Alliance
Cc: Martin Goettl
Subject: [geoalliance] Student travel grant opportunity



The ASPRS Western Great Lakes Region ( has up to three grants of $500 each to support student travel to major geospatial conferences.  Preference is given to remote sensing-related events, but other types of geospatial events will be considered.


We usually don’t receive a ton of applications, so check it out:
As part of our continuing support for outreach and education, the WGL-ASPRS Region Board established a program to provide financial support for students actively ...





Jim Lacy
Wisconsin State Cartographer's Office
University of Wisconsin-Madison
(608) 262-6850

My calendar:


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