Dear All,


Please find attached the first call for papers for GISRUK 2017 hosted at The
University of Manchester on 18th ? 21st April 2017.


Papers are welcome covering all aspects of theoretical and applied
geographical information science.


Further details can be found at


Closing date for submissions is 4th December 2016.


Please do circulate this call to your relevant networks and encourage them
to submit an abstract.


Kind regards,


Dr. Gail Millin-Chalabi
GIS and Remote Sensing Officer for SEED

Room 1.04 | Humanities Bridgeford Street Building  | School of Environment,
Education and Development (SEED) | The University of Manchester | Oxford
Road | Manchester | M13 9PL

Tel: +44  (0) 161 275 3621 | Email: [log in to unmask]

Skype: gailmillin-chalabi | Twitter: gmillin7chalabi | LinkedIn: gailmillin

Consultation Hours: Email me to arrange an appointment

The University of Manchester host of GISRUK 2017 find out more at