From a Canadian former full depository, we have kept all print state maps of the 7.5 minute series, 1:100,000 series and 1:250,000. All of the 7.5 minute series are in off-site storage and the other 2 series are in the on-site map collection. Whatever the last date of the sheet was until the depository agreement ended is what we hold, nothing for previous editions.

Cheryl Woods
Map Librarian
Map & Data Centre, Weldon Library
Western Libraries
1151 Richmond St. N.
Western University
London, ON Canada N6A 3K7
Office phone: 519-661-2111 ext 85005
Map & Data Centre phone: 519-661-3424


I have seen a lot of offers of USGS topo sets on Maps-L for several years.  I was wondering if you would answer this quick question.

My library is

1)       Keeping all our print USGS topo maps.  (perhaps storing all or some off-site)

2)      Keeping only the print maps for the states (regions) that mainly interest my library’s community.

3)      Withdrawing our print USGS topo map collection.

You can reply directly to me or respond to the list.
I will post the results.



Michael M Noga
Collections Strategist
Earth and Planetary Sciences Librarian
MIT Libraries
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