I'm forwarding this for those of you who don't see the UCGIS emails. 


From: Wang, Shaowen <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2016 9:57 PM
To: ucgis-all
Subject: Support for AP GIS&T Course
Dear UCGIS colleagues:


As many of you are aware, the AAG has developed a proposal for a new Advanced Placement course in Geographic Information Science and Technology (AP GIS&T) for high school students. The AP GIS&T proposal was submitted last month to the College Board, where it is now being formally reviewed.


UCGIS is one of several scientific associations that reviewed and endorsed the AP GIS&T proposal, and it continues to receive strong and positive responses from geography and GIS programs. To date, 98 colleges and universities, including 25 UCGIS member institutions, have confirmed their support for the development of the course by completing an “attestation” form, available at www.apgist.org. The attestation process provides important assurances to the College Board that academic programs view the proposed AP course to be equivalent to a college-level course, and that in the future they are willing to consider offering college credit to students who demonstrate proficiency on this AP exam. Institutions have different internal procedures for approving AP scores and determining what type of credit a student may be eligible to receive. For this reason, the attestation form includes an optional area to make note of any specific factors that might ultimately affect your institution’s decisions on such matters. 


We urge all UCGIS member universities to review the AP GIS&T proposal and show their support by completing the brief attestation form at www.apgist.org. The AAG’s goal is to collect signed attestations from as many colleges and universities as possible.


If you have any questions about the AP GIS&T proposal, contact Michael Solem at the AAG by email to [log in to unmask].


Thank you for your consideration.




Shaowen Wang, PhD

Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
Department of Geography and Geographic Information Science (Primary)
Departments of Computer Science, Urban and Regional Planning (Affiliate)
School of Information Sciences (Affiliate)

Founding Director
CyberGIS Center for Advanced Digital and Spatial Studies (CyberGIS Center)
CyberInfrastructure and Geospatial Information Laboratory (CIGI Laboratory)

Associate Director for CyberGIS, Lead of Earth and Environment Theme
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
Room 3102F, NCSA Building, 1205 W. Clark St., Urbana, IL 61801
Office: +1-217-333-7608 | Cell: +1-319-541-2811 | Skype & Twitter: swuiuc
President of UCGIS (http://ucgis.org)


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