
I was wondering if any of you are aware of any software or web application that could assist me in a project.  I’d like to create a map of the U.S. that is akin to what you see with flight route maps for airlines<http://www.delta.com/content/dam/delta-www/pdfs/route-maps/us-route-map.pdf>—except the lines would all originate from Pasadena and would venture out to cities (really libraries in those cities) where we borrow the most.  The thicker the line would mean the heavier the borrowing.  Basically, I want to show an image of our reach through ILL and could do variations with borrowing and lending or article and books.

I thought about Simply Map but I don’t believe we have a subscription to that.  Scribblemaps.com could possibly work.  Are there any others that you are aware of?

Tony Diaz
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA