
Let me echo Louise's reply, the BB tool is "indispensable" and just darned good for us catalogers! It is something I push each time I teach a workshop or work with another cataloger learning how to deal with coordinates in the bibliographic record. I think it has convinced some catalogers to "take the next step" when a set of coordinates is not available on the map being described, i.e., to use your tool to garner a set and copy and paste them into the record. All four members of the Map Cataloging Team here at Penn State (that includes me) use the tool an a daily basis! 

We have not attempted to do polygon-based coordinates in our work, simply because while the current and even past cataloging standards allows for it, it is more expedient to work with a bounding box. Down the road if I begin working with more digital cartographic resources perhaps I can work that into a descriptive workflow process, but for now the bounding box suffices. That said, past improvements have been beneficial not only to catalogers but to researchers as well and so I am happy to hear that you are working on further improvements. 

You asked: Would it make sense to improve the Bounding box tool to switch to a different coordinate system and provide the bounding box, polygon and a record in local coordinates with correct formatting for different library systems? 

In my opinion, the more extensible the tool is the better because it would allow individuals with different levels of research needs the ability to apply specific systems tailored to the outcomes they are looking for. 

I hope my comments are helpful and I hope others respond! 


From: "Petr Pridal" <[log in to unmask]> 
To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]> 
Sent: Thursday, March 9, 2017 12:03:20 PM 
Subject: Re: local coordinates in MARC 

Paige, Angela et al., 

I am very glad to hear that our BoundingBox Tool is in active use and it is helpful for the community of map librarians online. 

Recently, we have started to discuss with the swiss map librarians a possible improvement of the tool - to support local coordinate systems and polygonal area cataloguing according to RDA. 

- It would be interesting to know who is already cataloguing with polygons (next to the bounding box stored in 034 and 255 which must be always in geodetic WGS84 coordinates), or if other libraries are cataloguing with the local coordinate systems already. Could the readers of this forum comment and let us know? 

- If people are not doing this yet, would they be interested in starting to do so? 

- Would it make sense to improve the Bounding box tool to switch to a different coordinate system and provide the bounding box, polygon and a record in local coordinates with correct formatting for different library systems? 

I am keen to hear from the librarians in this forum! 

Best regards, 


For those who are interested in the subject of local coordinate systems: 

Some time ago we have developed a free and open-source tool which helps with discovering and verifying local coordinate systems worldwide . For example, the mentioned local coordinate system can be found if you search for "Israel" - it may be or one of the others suggested. 

Numerical coordinate range, preview of coordinates for a location on a map, and an online transformation / conversion tool on the website can help to verify if it is really the one used on the paper map which is catalogued (see the blue buttons "Transform coordinates" and "Get position on a map" on the link of the coordinate system mentioned above). People keen to know more can watch the recording of my presentation about the system at 

Related to the subject is, that that the swiss libraries record their map sheets also in the swiss coordinates, in the MARC field 595, visible for example here: 
This is a map available in the library catalogue search system called , searching in over half of million map catalogue records with bounding box from all Swiss libraries online at . The sheet above is part of a map series visible at 
Improvements in cataloguing as polygons or local coordinate system can help in preparing a gapless map index for a map series and eliminating false positive results in geographical search systems for rotated maps and maps in local coordinate systems. 

The Kartenportal system is powered by the same search system as the search engine. Any map library with scanned online maps can contact us, to become (for free) part of the system. We will boost the number of visitors of the map collection. All we need is metadata export and links to zoomable viewers - as documented at: 

Libraries interested in a fast geographical search system for library catalogue record with 034 records, similar to the , can let us know too. We can provide geosearch system for any library catalogue or a map collection - and for scanned maps, the 034 and map overlays of Google Maps and map services (WMS) can be even made collaboratively, in a web browser with our which now comes with an integrated GeoSearch component for a processed map collection. 

Meet our team this year in Venice in April, on the ICA+MAGIC workshop: 
A new map series cataloguing and discovery tool developed for ETH Zurich is going to be presented there too. 

On Thu, Mar 9 , 2017 at 3:49 PM, Jan Smits < [log in to unmask] > wrote: 

For ICS see 

As far as I understand the geographical co-ordinates are a local system, in which case they cannot be filled in tag 034/255 (which has UTM and Equatorial zero’s as 0-values). Maybe 052/522 ( ) will do for Krina, but probably one of my American colleagues can explain how to use it, should it be applicable in this case. 

Jan smits 

Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of The Netherlands 

		Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5 | 2595 BE Den Haag 
Postbus 90407 | 2509 LK Den Haag | (070) 314 09 11 | 	
	English version | Disclaimer 

Van: Maps-L: Map Librarians, etc. [mailto: [log in to unmask] ] Namens Paige G. Andrew 
Verzonden: donderdag 9 maart 2017 15:32 
Aan: [log in to unmask] 
Onderwerp: Re: local coordinates in MARC 


In addition, and especially because the coordinates data that goes into subfields d, e, f, and g are in machine-readable form and can thus be manipulated in other online/digital contexts, you'll need to include the 034 field. If the map has a scale present or that can be figured out (in the cases of either a verbal scale or a bar scale) the denominator value goes into $b without commas, and the first Indicator value is set to 1 (one). If there is no scale then the Indicator value is set to 0 (zero) and the coordinates subfields appear by themselves. 

Paige Andrew 

Cartographic Resources Cataloging Librarian 

Pennsylvania State University 

[log in to unmask] 

From: "Susan Moore" < [log in to unmask] > 
To: " [log in to unmask] " < [log in to unmask] > 
Sent: Thursday, March 9 , 2017 8:50:39 AM 
Subject: Re: local coordinates in MARC 


Are your coordinates based on the Prime Meridian? If so, you can record them in the 255 field in subfield c. 

Susan Moore 

University of Northern Iowa 

Cedar Falls, IA 50614 

[log in to unmask] 

On Thu, Mar 9 , 2017 at 2:27 AM, Krina Doekes-Brandt < [log in to unmask] > wrote: 

Shalom all, 

In our online catalog we use a local field where we write the local coordinates for maps of Israel – ICS (Israeli Cassini Soldner). We will transfer to Alma and my head of cataloging tells me that the local field cannot be used in Alma. Is there another field in MARC where we could write local coordinates? 





Krina Doekes Brandt | Map Librarian 

Bloomfield Library for the Humanities and Social Sciences 
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 
T +972.2.5883422 | F +972.25322435 

Our website: Map library 

Follow the map library on facebook : 

Petr Pridal, Ph.D. 

Klokan Technologies GmbH 
Hofnerstrasse 98, 6314 Unterageri, Switzerland 
Tel: +41 (0)41 511 26 12 
Email: [log in to unmask] 