Looks to be around 81 sheets, but my German is not so good: https://www.zvab.com/servlet/SearchResults?an=JAEGER&tn=Carte+Topographique+d%27Allemagne&cm_sp=mbc-_-SRP-_-all . Also see: http://www.dilibri.de/rlb/content/titleinfo/1763671 and http://www.dilibri.de/rlb/content/titleinfo/1786523 .

      Joel Kovarsky

On 7/13/17 3:00 PM, Map & Data Centre Reference wrote:
[log in to unmask]">

Our special collections library assistant came across a set of 20 maps titled Carte Topographique d’Allemagne by Jaeger dated 1789.

I found this reference to them http://www.oldmapsonline.org/map/cuni/856224 but it does not tell us how many maps are in this set.

Does anyone have more details for us to go by?


Cheryl Woods

Map Librarian

Western University

London, Canada