This is interesting about a mistake on the 2003-2004 Montana official highway map. Photo attached ...

From: Roadmaps-L <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 10:12 AM
To: 'Road map collectors mailing list'
Subject: RM: Official Montana 2003-4 Error map...

I was contacted by a lady in Montana with some information about an error on the Montana 2003-4 official highway map. A scan of the maps is attached and here is her explanation:


“In 2003 the Montana Department of Transportation published their yearly highway map but unfortunately the map showed thousands of miles of dirt roads as being paved!  Obviously this was a huge liability and the day after distribution of the maps began, a huge effort was made to retrieve each and every map.  This was mostly successful and those copies (except for a rare few) are not to be found anywhere.  A second printing (indicated on the map) was released which became the official copy for that year.  So my question to you is whether never used copies of both printings as a set is something that might be of interest to folks.”


Perhaps the person now doing OMML updates (if anyone?) would like to add this to the list. Also, if you are interested in this map, let me know directly and I will pass your name onto the lady.


Craig Solomonson



P.S. Unfortunately it appears that no one is maintaining the OMML. I did an extensive update a few years ago and offered to maintain it, but was told that I could not have access to the web pages to make the updates—which made it quite difficult for me to track. So, the ones involved in the members only portion were going to maintain it. This obviously did not happen or no one has submitted new information to add to the list. Is the OMML important to any of the members who collect officials or should we just let this list stagnate?

Posted by

Angie Cope 
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